Getting a Good Night Sleep is now a rare phenomenon especially in working population or in people who spend their day multitasking. Earlier lack of sleep was only limited to elders, but current high level stressful lifestyle has made it a common issue among youngsters too. Our Mother nature, like a true mother, has provided us a very useful tool to deal with stress. This, if used regularly after dinner, can make you fall into a peaceful sleep and make your next day fresh. This herb is called Chamomile (flos chamomile). Petals of Chamomile flowers has volatile oils (gives very sweet aroma) and flavonoids (reason for anti-stress properties). Its important to get right amount of chamomile to get relief from stress. This totally depends on the amount of anxiety, stress you have. That is why, BestSource Nutrition’s Chamomile comes with a 100gm Pack of dried chamomile flowers. It gives you freedom to choose concentration that suits you most. Best way to take Chamomile is to make decoction like a tea. Chamomile is popular not only as sleep tea but also is known for its carminative, soothing, anti-inflammatory properties and as a digestive aid. Chamomile flowers are also used on skin as face mask since it soothes irritated skin, reduces suntan, dark spots. Apart from various health uses, the aroma of chamomile is very sweet, and the taste is relishing.
- Relieves menstrual cramps
- Supports digestive functions
- Reduces the feeling of restlessness and insomnia
1-3 cups Daily