• QNT Technoparc de Thudinie 3B-6536- Donstiennes, Belgium • 323 Central Hoptown Industrial Area, Selaqui,Dehradun, Uttrakhand-248011 • MGVS LifeSciences Vill Bhungarni P.O. Shivpur Paonta Sahib , Distt Sirmour HP 173025 •Fssai Licence No - 10018063001212
QNT Prime whey is a nutritious mix of high-quality whey protein concentrate and whey protein isolate along with all the essential amino acids. It also contains digestive enzymes to facilitate easy digestion and absorption by the body. It is also rich in BCAAs and Glutamine which helps in promoting and maintaining muscle growth. It also helps in weight management as eating more protein suppresses appetite, leading to reduced calorie intake while helping to maintain muscle mass when losing weight.
Rich source of protein and BCAAs derived from high quality whey blend which supports in maintaining and building muscle mass, muscle recovery and growth.
To promote muscle growth and to maintain muscle mass.
Provides 24 g of protein through a combination of WPC and WPI.
Rich in BCAAs with a generous 5.4g (approx.) per serving which helps in muscle growth, reduces exercise fatigue and muscle soreness.
Can be used pre/post workout for muscle growth and recovery or anytime during the day to meet daily protein intake.
Whey Protein Concentrate, Cocoa Bean Extract, Whey Protein Islote, Sodium Chloride, Di-potassium hydrogen Phosphate, Thickeners (INS 407,INS 466 &INS 415), Anti-caking agent(INS 551), Sweeteners (INS 955 & INS 950), Enzymes {Lactase, Papain [INS 1101 (ii) & Bromelain [INS 1101(iii)]}
To Prepare one serving add 33g (Approx.) in a shaker & add 250ml chilled water. Shake well before drinking